Top Facts About Plastic Bags

Each year, an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide. That comes out to over one million per minute. Billions end up as litter each year. According to the EPA, over 380 billion plastic bags, sacks and wraps are consumed in the U.S. each year. According to The Wall Street Journal, the U.S. goes through 100 billion plastic shopping bags annually. Estimated cost to retailers is $4 billion. Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, whales and other marine mammals die every year from eating discarded plastic bags mistaken for food. In 2001, Ireland consumed 1.2 billion plastic bags, or 316 per person. An extremely successful plastic bag consumption tax, or PlasTax, introduced in 2002 reduced consumption by 90%. Approximately 18,000,000 liters of oil have been saved due to this reduced production. Governments around the world are considering implementing similar measures.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Jute Shopping Bags Made In India

Awareness to use ecobags is getting more and more public attention nowadays. It can be seen whereby many more countries around the world are actually promoting and encouraging its citizen to switch to ecobags for shopping to reduce the usages of plastic bags. India one of the most populated country in the world is also introducing ecobags made of Jute. They called it Jute shopping bags.

Jute shopping bag is made of Jute. Jute is a long. soft, shiny vegetables fiber that can be spun into coarse, strong threads. It is produced from plants in the Genus Corchorus from the family of Tiliaceae. Since Jute Shopping bags are made from vegetables fiber so it is biodegradable shopping bags or product.

I hope that more and more Indian people use this Jute shopping bags for their shopping to reduce plastic wastes in India. A member of Green Peace in India Mr. Robert Edwards said the plastic bags are now chocking the life out of India. I believe the plastic bags waste situation in India is very bad at the moment. It is high time now for us to switch to something more eco-friendly products like jute shopping bag in out daily life.

Don't wait until it is too late. Some symptoms started to appear in India where it is approximately 100 cows died everyday for mistakenly eating discarded plastic bags. So are we to wait the same thing happen to human being too?